It goes without saying that if you have a home loan, your first goal should be to work on paying that thing off! As such, the way home loans tend to pan out is that you will have minimal savings as all your money is going towards reducing your home loan.
Read MoreFor homeowners across Sydney, the last couple of years have seen some amazing growth. CoreLogic note that the past 12 months have once again seen property prices surge 19% higher over the last 12 months, the highest annual growth rate since 2002.
Read MoreIf you’ve ever looked into setting up an SMSF, you’ll notice that a lot of experts will discount the benefits of one with high fees being the main deterrent.
However, one strategy that no expert will discount is purchasing your office via your super fund. This article will explore some of the advantages of implementing this strategy but also some of the concerns you need to be aware of.
It's a strategy that is becoming increasingly popular every year, using your super fund to purchase an investment property...
There is no doubt that Australians have a love affair with residential property, and after the release of the Core Logic August 2015 Housing Market & Economic Update it seems this affair is getting out of control. Residential real estate across Australia has now ballooned out to $6.0 trillion. This means that residential real estate is now 3 times as large as superannuation!
Read MoreThe vast majority of people that I deal with these days when looking into a home loan are always adamant they need an offset account. They don’t. This blog post is going to set the record straight about this ‘bells and whistles’ loan feature so you can make an informed decision next time you’re reviewing your loan structure.
Read MoreAlthough applying for your first home loan may be the biggest financial decision you’ll make, it doesn’t need to be an overwhelming one. With the right preparation, a realistic understanding of your financial position and the right professional advice, you can position yourself as an attractive first home loan customer and be approved in no time.
Read MoreIt’s a great headline I’ll grant you that. A play on words with my business name in conjunction with a discussion of where rates are heading is bound to get a few people’s attention!
Read MoreWelcome to Multipart Finance
I can’t believe this day has finally come…
Today, is the first blog of a new business and a new chapter in my life.
It comes with great pleasure, excitement and joy that I can now officially say that Multipart Finance is open for business.